{{#*inline "paging"}} {{#if (gt statistics.pageCount 1)}}
{{#if (gt query.page 1)}} {{/if}} {{#for 1 (increment statistics.pageCount 6) 1}} {{#if (eq this ../query.page)}} {{../query.page}} {{else}} {{this}} {{/if}} {{/for}} {{#if (lt query.page statistics.pageCount)}} {{/if}}
{{/if}} {{/inline}} {{#*inline "photoCDN"~}} https://orion.soarr.com/photos/{{unit.id}}/{{width}}x/{{unit.year}}-{{lowercase unit.make}}-{{lowercase unit.model}}.{{index}}.jpg {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "photo"~}} {{thumbnail unit width=width}} {{~/inline}} {{#*inline "typeLabel"}} {{#if (eq type.segment.id 1)}}Truck Type{{/if}} {{#if (eq type.segment.id 2)}}Trailer Type{{/if}} {{#if (eq type.segment.id 3)}}Equipment Type{{/if}} {{#if (gt type.segment.id 3)}}Type{{/if}} {{/inline}} {{#*inline "noresults"}}

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{{> buttonLink class="primary" href=(routeUrl 'listings') text='All Inventory'}}
{{> buttonLink href='https://www.truckvalleykc.com' text='Back to Home'}}
{{/inline}} {{#*inline "search"}} {{#searchForm id="minisearch" includeCount="false" class="raised grid-x grid-padding-x grid-padding-y small-up-2 medium-up-4 large-up-5"}}
{{/searchForm}} {{/inline}} {{#*inline "buttonLink"}} {{text}} {{/inline}} {{#*inline "unitTitle"~}} {{#if (gt year 1900)}}{{year}} {{/if}}{{make}}{{#if model}} {{model}}{{/if}} {{~/inline}}

{{seoTitle 'All Inventory'}}

{{> search}}
{{#if (gt statistics.total 0)}}
  • {{statistics.total}} Match{{#if (gt statistics.total 1)}}es{{/if}}
  • Page {{query.page}} of {{statistics.pageCount}} {{#resetSearchLink class="clearfilter"}}Show All{{/resetSearchLink}}
{{sortDropdown placeholderText="Sort Order"}}
{{#each units}}
{{> unitTitle}}
Stock# {{stockNumber}}
{{#if pricing.asking}} Sale Price {{formatCurrency pricing.asking 'Call'}} {{else}} Auction Date {{#if auction.runDate}}{{auction.runDate}}{{else}}TBA{{/if}} {{/if}}

Location: {{dealer.city}}, {{dealer.state}}

    {{#if odometer.reading}}
  • Odometer {{formatNumber odometer.reading}} {{odometer.unit}}
  • {{/if}}
  • Engine {{spec . 'Engine Make'}} {{spec . 'Engine HP'}}
  • {{#withSpec . 'Trans Make'}}
  • {{name}} {{value}}
  • {{/withSpec}} {{#withSpec . 'Sleeper Type'}}
  • {{name}} {{value}}
  • {{/withSpec}}
  • {{> typeLabel}} {{type.name}}
{{> buttonLink href=(specsheet .) class="primary arrow" text="View Details"}}
{{> paging}}
{{else}} {{> noresults}} {{/if}}